I prayed while I was walking up a crest in Glorieta, New Mexico. As I reached the summit, I meditated on John 21:15-17 where on earth Jesus asked Peter if he precious Him. How would I reply that question?
Do you admire Me? \\"I observe you, Lord, so I must high regard you.\\"
Do you care Me? \\"I listen in to you when you shout to me.\\"
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Do you worship Me? \\"I don\\'t know how.\\"
I had not loved God as I should: beside all my heart, and next to all my soul, and beside all my strength, and with all my mind; and my neighboring as myself, as educated in Luke 10:27. I cried a time and asked God for His grounding in the specialism of esteem.
As I started low the mountain, I walked a bit too surrounding to a decay tree and my shoulder snapped off a limb. I was surprised at how flaky it was. But not all the branches were that way. Those that stationary had vivacity in them were easily bent and soft. Then I noticed that the branches lacking existence had been hurt and were not unconditionally attached to the ligneous plant. It reminded me of Jesus\\' discourse in John 15 wherever He says, \\"I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears considerably fruit; for unconnected from Me you can do nil. If anyone does not bide in Me, he is down distant as a branch, and dries up.\\" As I bide in Him, God\\'s admiration can flood me and create me tender. Then I swot not solitary how to fondness God, but also how to esteem others.
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